On Rhodes, there is not a single legal caravan park. This is the case on many Greek islands. For years, people have camped illegally in Prasonisi.
While this was not a big deal in the recent years, now it looks like things might start changing. In 2012, a fence was built, which prevents driving on
large parts of the sand area, and hence limits the parking area for mobile homes. Since 2014, there are police operations.
June 2023: no overnight stay is possible for mobile homes / camper vans etc. any more. Also no tents are permitted. The police appears as often as necessary to enforce the new rules. Sometimes this means daily.
In 2021 there was some kind of unofficial rule, permitting mobile homes etc. (only) in a certain area of the beach. Outside of this area campers were fined. However the rule did not last long. Already in July campers got 300 EUR tickets in the formerly tolerated area.
Later the borders of the area were changed. It is rather small and contains also a soft, sandy area which is almost impossible to enter and leave with normal cars or mobile homes. If campers will be fined or not is hard to foresee and can change at any time without warning.
Kitesurfing is now forbidden on the flat water side of the beach but still permitted on the wave side. Windsurfing is not affected. The port police enforces the rule (tickets are issued). The police use a boat and 'catch' kitesurfers directly on the water.
In August and September there were police operations with fines again. The fine has been doubled and is now 300,- EUR because it does not decrease to 150,- EUR if paid within 10 days any more.
There were some police operations with fines again.
In summer 2017, the police were in Prasonisi again. The owners of all types of vehicles (campers, normal station wagons, etc.) as well as the owners of tents were fined 300,- EUR each.
By paying within 10 days, one can decrease the fine to 150,- EUR. It has to be paid cash
at the post office, e.g. in Gennadi. The opening hours there are 9:00 to 13:30 Monday to Friday. The payment will take a lot of time. Be there well before the closing time.
There were also police operations not related to camping, e.g. tax police, port police and special crimes police units. As one cannot know the target of the
operations when the police cars arrive the campers tried to escape without reason multiple times.
From May to August 2016, the police appeared multiple times (once a week or even more often). All camping vehicles (motor homes, caravans, vans, etc.) where fined 300,- EUR each. Not being present at the
vehicle didn't help. Parking the vehicle not at the beach but somewhere nearby didn't prevent the fine in every case.
In July 2016, senior authorities from Rhodes-Town visited Prasonisi and discussed the problem. After this, there were are less police activities. At the beginning and in the middle of August, police operations took place again.
One reason (but by far not the only one) for the police operations was illegal dumping of chemical toilet contents by some campers. One should definitely better pay the 3 EUR for the official disposal.
This will prevent at least some of the police operations.
In July 2015 one camper was fined 300,- EUR. Another one was arrested, handcuffed and send to jail for one night. In this case, passive and possibly also active
resistance against the officers was involved. In September 2015, all campers/vans at the beach where fined 300,- EUR each. By paying within 10 days, one can decrease the fine to 150,- EUR. At this time late in the season only few
campers were still in Prasonisi.
The following image shows the police talking to the campers:
The legal situation
In towns, villages, etc., mobile homes are permitted to park for up to 24 hours.
Camping on the beach with tents, mobile homes etc. is prohibited under Greek law as you can read here:
[you can use Google Translate to get a basic translation into your language]
5. Η παρ. 18 του άρθρου 7 του Ν. 4276/2014 αντικα-
θίσταται ως εξής:
«18. Απαγορεύεται η εγκατάσταση σκηνών, ρυμουλ-
κούμενων, ημιρυμουλκούμενων και αυτοκινούμενων
τροχόσπιτων σε αρχαιολογικούς χώρους, αιγιαλούς,
παραλίες, παρυφές δημόσιων δασών και εν γένει κοι-
νόχρηστους χώρους, καθώς και η φιλοξενία πέραν του
ενός τροχόσπιτου από καταστηματάρχες ή ιδιώτες. Οι
παραβάτες τιμωρούνται με φυλάκιση μέχρι τρεις (3)
μήνες ή με επιβολή προστίμου του κατωτέρω εδαφίου,
εφόσον δεν προβλέπεται βαρύτερη ποινή από άλλη
διάταξη, διατασσόμενης συγχρόνως υπό του δικαστη-
ρίου της βίαιης αποβολής τους. Διαδικασία τηρείται η
οριζόμενη από τα άρθρα 417 επ. του Κώδικα Ποινικής
Δικονομίας για την ανάκριση και εκδίκαση των επ’ αυτο-
φώρω πλημμελημάτων. Οι παραβάτες τιμωρούνται με
πρόστιμο ύψους τριακοσίων (300) ευρώ ανά άτομο ή ανά
κατασκηνωτικό ή ανά μεταφορικό μέσο, που επιβάλλεται
από το βεβαιούν την παράβαση αστυνομικό ή λιμενικό
όργανο και εισπράττεται, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του
άρθρου 104 του Κώδικα Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας (Κ.Ο.Κ.)
του Ν. 2696/1999 (Α’ 57). Σε ελέγχους από μεικτά συνερ-
γεία την ποινή του προστίμου επιβάλλει το αστυνομικό
όργανο που παρίσταται κατά τον έλεγχο».
All campers should do their best not to pollute Prasonisi with garbage and worse! Pollution is the reason and the justification to banish the campers from Prasonisi.
Do you have any new or different information on the Prasonisi camping problem? Send it to us. Please write English or German. You might use the contact form below.